Community Service Hours & Volunteers...

We recommend you watch some video’s before you come here to work with our dogs.  Remember, most of our dogs are strays so they have no history; some are friendly, most are afraid and some are fearful of people.  This makes it crucial for us to know what the dog is telling us with its body language.

There are some very good video’s on YouTube to help you understand Dog Body language. Understanding Dog Body Language – Learn how to read Dogs Behavior by: Krissy Kris  This is also good it has written descriptions and a short video.  Has pictures and descriptions of dog cues.  Also has Pictures of dog cues.


It is very important that you read the application packet thoroughly.  It is best if you down load it from here and bring in a completed copy.

If you have court, family services or school required community service hours to do, you can do them here. There is an application you will need to fill out. You can come in during office hours to fill out the application and begin your work hours. There is a sign in sheet where you will record your hours and we will report those hours to your supervisor via fax. Be sure to provide a fax number.

Community Service and Volunteers need to be 18 years of age.  High School required community service hours can be done here but do have your parent/guardian complete the application with you. 

The dogs love to walk every day. They are always dressed for any weather. We now have a play yard where they can play off leash.

Volunteer Application

Community Service Application